quinta-feira, fevereiro 25, 2010

Roupa presa...

Porque nos prendem a cordas? Cordões de mil nomes que servem para pendurar, amarrar prender... ao invés de livres para simplesmente nos levarmos ao sabor do vento como as gaivotas quando pairam...?

Quem raio foi @ sujeit@ é que inventou as molas??? Hein?!

quarta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2010

New era!

Don't waste your time
Or time will waste you...

You and I must fight for our rights
You and I must fight to survive...

sábado, fevereiro 13, 2010

terça-feira, fevereiro 02, 2010


Why take everything you see?
You have nothing left to squander
If you keep pushing me away
You have no one left to love

You throw it all away
Look tease you anthem suffer for
you cause disaster
squander squander squander squander

Why take everything you see?
You have nothing left to squander
If you keep pushing me away
You have no one left to do love

you're less than you should be
what runs so hard to finish I
you could contendement
squander squander squander squander

Why take everything you see?
You have nothing left to squander
If you keep pushing me away
You have no one left to looooove, looooove
Why squander squander squander squander

Why take everything you see?
You have nothing left to squander
If you keep pushing me away
You have no one left to, no one left to love

Skunk Anansie


segunda-feira, fevereiro 01, 2010

Até custa entrar aqui!